{please disregard the scratches on my glasses that shield my eyeballs from being seen properly, also disregard the bags under my eyes...it's been a long week!}
This year has been probably my hardest academic-wise. But I have learned so much throughout these past few months in Utah. Some of these things include, but are not limited to:
-my love for communications and the pleasure I have found from starting my studies in this field
-sleep is important, and you feel better when you get more of it.
-it is much easier to do things ahead of time than procrastinate until the last minute.
-cooking is fun
-and that it is much harder being completely on your own than when you have family around.
Even though this year has definitely been trying and tiring, I feel like I've grown up. I'm happy to be starting this new, more mature, chapter in my life. I feel like I have a better idea of what I'm doing, where I'm going, and what I want to become.
So, Sophomore year, thanks. It's been fun.