Monday, October 15, 2012

A funny for your monday

I saw this picture and thought it was hilarious.  Look what they're roasting! Peeps and Wieners!

photo cred

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

DIY painted canvas

Due to the belated nature of this post, I don't have specific step-by-step instructions with photos to go along with them, But I do however, have a picture of the finished product:

This is seriously so easy and cheap to make.

  • masking tape or blue painters tape 
  • craft paint
  • canvas (I went to Michael's and bought a set of 2 for about $8 with a coupon on my phone (their app has great coupons and I have never purchased anything there without one! 40% off all the time!))
  • brushes (I used the cheap-o ones from Michael's as well...I think they're $1 for 2)
  • a ruler
I started by measuring the distance across the entire width of the canvas and then deciding how many colors I wanted to use.  

The canvas was about 20 inches wide and the tape was 2 inches wide, so I did the minimal math skills required because I was going to have 4 tape strips separating my 5 colors (20-8=12) and then divided that up somehow to make a gradual size shift from the largest space to smallest space (I might have flubbed that one...I totally could have just placed the tape, but there was some mathematical computation there....somewhere...)

3 1/4 in, 3 in, 2 1/2 in, 2 in, 1 1/2 equals 12 1/4...

Then I just painted in a gradiating color pallet to give it an ombre vibe!  

Easy as pie and a nice accent to a plain wall.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

what we've been up to

Unless you already follow me on instagram, you probably don't even know what's been going on in my life!
Just some little life events happened since the last time I posted...

Going to California with my family...


Getting engaged...


Getting married...


Going to Florida and Canada with my new husband...


starting my senior year... (yeah, I'm graduating college, suckas!)


Getting my wisdom teeth out....... I know this photo is hilarious, you have my permission to laugh.

So, Lots of fun (and not so fun...teeeeetttthhh...) things!

Also, LOTS AND LOTS of DIY projects to come!  Stay tuned for the next year, and maybe you'll see a post!