Sunday, August 10, 2008


I recently spent three weeks on top of the world in Colorado. It was awesome.
I arrived on the 19th of July only to be greeted the following day by John Mayer, Dave Matthews, and others at the Mile High Music Festival. I got extremely close.
The following picture-less week was spent with old friends from Parker, a suburb of Denver where I used to live.
I then traveled with my friend Michael to spend a week at Rocky Mountain High Adventure Base, a scout camp he was working at for the summer. I hiked, biked, and rafted the surrounding rugged terrain.
After the week was up, my friends Patrick and Wojo joined up with Michael and I as we set off to backpack for six days in the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness. We summited two fourteeners, Mt Columbia and Mt Harvard, and enjoyed the magnificent scenery. After that, I flew home on Southwest Flight 2394 to Kansas City. The End