Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summer Fun: Pt. 2

I'm still just in may with my summer fun series!!! These pictures were taken during the Germany portion of our Europe trip this summer. One of Ashley's mission companions (Bonnie) was from Germany and she met up with us and traveled around the country. It was a very fun trip and I learned a lot about Germany while I was there.

Shortly After arriving in Germany

Taking a shnooze after a long day of travel in the deluxe Presidential Suite

Sipping some juice on the terrace in Germany

Listening to some interesting factoids in the Nazi museum.

I believe Dad said something along the lines of "Pose with the car that was driven on the Auto Bahn!" We went 126 MPH on the AB. Yes, mph. It was scary.

Mom and I enjoying our gingerbread.

Celebrating Blue Nacht! (I don't know how to say blue in german)

The church is still true in Germany!! :)

Beautiful German countryside

Auf Wiedersehen Germany!

Next to come.... Ello Great Britain! :)


Jamie said...

Very cute pics - and cute new background for your blog! Where did you get that? The presidential suite looks AMAZING!

Karen said...

Wonderful! I always love a new post from my favorite inconsistent blogger! Wasn't that a fun trip??!