Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Fun: Pt. 4

O, Canada!
I'm becoming consistent...but don't get too comfortable with it, because once school starts this consistency will end.
This summer, we spent Canada day with our relatives up north in the grand old country of Canada. It was fun relaxing, enjoying cool weather, visiting family, and reminiscing.

Isn't it beautiful?!

Mom, Dad, and me

Cousin Brent and me examining something.

This restaurant was entirely covered in flannel.


A cutsey ice cream and candy shop. They wouldn't sell me their "Belle" pez dispenser. :(

Hmmm...I still don't know what to think about this. Does it really matter where your ice comes from?

Fun at the lake

This is by far, the best picture of the trip. HAHAHAHA


Jamie said...

I wouldn't want my animals to be taxidermied at a place that wasn't called "Top Notch"!

Rachel Ellen said...

You, my friend, have had some sweet adventures this summer! And I love the last picture. :)