- Ew. You know that feeling you get when you are looking at something while eating a different item? For example; If I'm looking at a gallon of Orange Juice and I'm drinking a cup of milk, I get a sick feeling because I was expecting to taste orange juice. I almost want to spit it out. Or when water comes in a can on airplanes. Isn't that the most bizarre feeling? Your mind tricks you into expecting what you're thinking about.
- Cool! They package apple slices in little bags, so why not carrots! And one of the packages even looks feminine! Don't see that too often.
- Hmmm...I wonder how other people will take this new campaign. Even though the article says its not an anti-junk food campaign, you can't help but get the feeling they're trying to one-up Doritos.
- Wow. $25 million?! That's a lot of money. And the slogans aren't extremely creative. I mean, "scarrots?" First thing that makes me think of is scabs. I'm not saying I can do better, but if they're going to spend $25 million, they might as well get something cooler than that.
Would you buy carrots in a chip bag? Will it be a success? What do you think?
If you're selling it, I'll buy it!
well, as a conscious consumer, I would rather just buy baby carrots in a regular size and put them in baggies. However, I think if I were trying to get my kids to eat more carrots, I would get them these ones because it looks cool to eat veggies.
i love your blog, Kelly! and I think i might buy some carrots in a bag if they were feminine looking-at least its cute!! :)
I do like the cute bag as well, but I have to agree with Ashley that I would buy a bigger bag and put them in single servings as needed.
I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal about snack foods becoming more and more popular, so it looks like the farmers are jumping on this bandwagon as well!
PS I'm glad you're becoming more consistent :)
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